New episode:(22.season)

MoneyBART-Oct. 10

May 5, 2009

Simpsons games!!

Here is the games:(More coming soon...)

My blog and Simpson Voices!!!

This is my new blog!!!Here you can watch simpsons episodes for free!!

Now here is a video of simpsons voices.Funny isn't it?

How to comment?

First,click on #comments at the end of the post.(#-number of comments) example:
Then,write your comment here:
Then,if you are blogger user select Google(Blogger)but if you are not select Anonymous. (better select anonymous)If you want you can write your name,nickname at the end of the comment.
Then post comment.

You can see your or somebody else comment until I publish it or maybe answer(if it is a question)
Hope this help and hope you comment more...